Absolute Professionalism


Advanced Dental Care’s accreditations confirm that all three practices – Manly West, Mount Gravatt, and Mount Cotton  – continue to meet or exceed governing industry standards as determined by:

  • Australian Dental Association which is the peak national body for dentists

  • National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards which set the level of care which consumers can expect from health service organisations. The standards were developed in collaboration with the Australian Government, states and territories, the private sector, clinical experts, patients and carers.

  • Quality Innovation Performance which measures private dental practices’ compliance with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and the Australian Dental Association.

Our practitioners hold qualifications including:

Doctor of Medicine and Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery

Master of Dentistry

Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Periodontology)

Bachelor Science

Bachelor Dental Science

Bachelor Oral Health Science

as well as dental therapy and oral hygiene services, dental assistance, treatment co-ordination, and administrative services.

Family owned with a full suite of dental services.

Three practices for your convenience

Three practices for your convenience